a bloomington-based arts collective


Founded summer of 2022, Working Title is about making this mag work for you, whatever that means to each person! We strive to create an environment that supports local art, Indiana University students, and Bloomington creatives all between binded pages. We accept any type of literary submission, from poetry to prose to short stories to personal essays and op-eds.

2022-2023 Leadership

Photo of Curren Gauss

Curren Gauss (she/her)


Curren is the founder and creative director of Working Title. She is not only excited to be creating a magazine with her friends, but thrilled that said friends WANT to make a magazine too! Previously, Curren has interned at Pattern Magazine in Indianapolis as a journalism and social media intern, as well as doing podcast work for IU Themester this past summer. She has written and edited for the IDS, been featured at the Kennedy Center Young American Playwriting Festival, and writes bad poetry in her bedroom. She loves art, creation, and this magazine with her whole heart.

Reach her at currengauss@gmail.com

Photo of Madison Cox

Madison Cox (she/her)


Madison, our associate and literary content editor, is also a chai enthusiast and fake redhead. Previously, Madison has served as editor-in-chief of CANVAS Creative Arts Magazine for the Indiana Memorial Union Board at Indiana University, editorial intern for Indiana Review, senior content editor for The Phoenix at her alma mater the Mississippi School of the Arts, and author of a how-to-survive-middle-school guide that never left the composition book it was written in. She has also dabbled in filmmaking, guitar-playing, and watercolor-painting — among other artistic endeavors — but writing is the one she always comes back to.

Reach her at madisonvcox@gmail.com

Photo of Joey Cerone

Joey Cerone (he/him)


Joey, our comedy head, is very excited to create a weird little sinkhole in this incredible magazine. He is a standup and sketch comedian as well as a film and stage actor. He is the President of All Sorts of Trouble for Boy in the Bubble, IU’s longest running sketch comedy group. As a standup he has been featured at the World Comedy Expo in Chicago as well as the Bloomington's Funniest Competition. As an actor, he made his professional debut in the 39 Steps for IU Summer Theater. He really enjoys just kinda sitting as well as sorta sitting. He hopes you have a good day.

Reach him at joeycerone4@gmail.com

Photo of Alex Cappelli

Alex Cappelli (she/her)


Alex is a co-music head and the bassist for the Bloomington-based band ForeDaze, which has played venues including The Bishop, Funk Fortress, and the Blockhouse Bar. With her previous band, LiveWire, she had the opportunity to play venues and festivals including the House of Blues, the Hard Rock Cafe in Chicago and Memphis, and NXNE Festival in Toronto. Music has been an enduring passion in her life and she is so excited for this creative collaboration!

Reach her at alcapp@iu.edu

Photo of Maggie Ison

Maggie Ison (she/they)


Maggie, a co-music head, is a Scorpio, lavender latte lover, audio nerd, and collector of copies of Frankenstein (her favorite book). Growing up she was a classically trained pianist. She now plays too many instruments to count and is moving into sound design as a member of various performing ensembles. She has spent the last year as Union Board’s Director of Live From Bloomington, programming concerts featuring local artists and compiling an album of Bloomington music. A Kentucky native, she is an aggressive lover of Appalachia and Ale-8-One. She loves music with her whole body and soul and is incredibly excited to share her passion with the Bloomington community.

Reach her at mcison114@gmail.com

Photo of TBD

Ella Todd (she/they)


Ella, our art head, is a film major, artist, Libra, and humble grocer. She enjoys antiquing and making her friends laugh. She hopes to spotlight various artists across Bloomington to showcase the town’s unique tapestry of creators.

Reach her at etodd104@gmail.com

Photo of Lee Thomas

Lee Thomas (they/them)


Lee, our photo head & social media coordinator, also has have a passion for documentary photography and the art of visual storytelling. Indiana University’s favorite dropout, they now work in domestic violence crisis intervention and sling pizzas on the side. They have previously photographed for IU’s Season Magazine, Midway Music Festival, as well as freelance work. They are an enthusiastic cat person, dedicated Twitter user, probiotic-requirer, and could use a ride if you’re able to pick them up, no worries if not though!

Reach them at lillygthomas@gmail.com

Photo of Matalin Racster

Matalin Racster (she/her)


Matalin, a co-design head and social media designer, has dabbled in standup comedy, comedy writing, graphic design, normal writing (not funny), poetry (really not funny), video creation, social media management, and is a lover of art in general. She has been a key in the visual design for the Funny 501 Comedy Festival in Bloomington, the University Twits Sketch Comedy group, and has created a small, self-published zine that features pieces of her own writing, photography, and graphic design. She believes every person has a song to sing, a movie to make, a poem to write - we just need a chance to do it.

Reach her at racstermatalin19@gmail.com

Photo of Katy Szpak

Katy Szpak (she/her)


Katy is a a co-design head – essentially, she makes sure the magazine looks super spiffy. She recently graduated from IU with a journalism major and specialization in graphic communication. This is the first time she’s worked on a magazine and she is very excited. Katy loves working with all types of media, including photography. She currently works with the IU Media School as a graphic designer. Previously, she served as creative director for IU’s student publication the Indiana Daily Student, where she has also been a design and copy editor. Besides her lifelong goal of making the world a little more well-designed, she also loves hanging out with the squirrels on campus and playing her trumpet. You can find her work online at @kattrys.designs on Instagram.

Reach her at krszpak3310@gmail.com

Photo of Tess Rutherford

Tess Rutherford (she/her)


Tess, our treasurer, is a junior majoring in finance, accounting, and business analytics. While she loves the more analytical side of life, Tess has always had a soft spot for art. She spent time in high school and early college immersed in theater and choir, and while she doesn't perform anymore, she makes time to see shows, play music, read poetry, and go to art galleries whenever the opportunity arises. She is also very passionate about providing financial support and literacy to all types of artists and can’t wait to bring her educational background to support Working Title.

Reach her at teruther@iu.edu

Photo of Abby Carmichael

Abby Carmichael (she/her)


Abby, our web editor, is a senior at IU with majors in media advertising and American Studies. For Working Title, she's a web editor and staff writer. She's also a copywriting intern at Young & Laramore. Previously, she worked as creative director for the Indiana Daily Student. Abby enjoys listening to her vinyl collection, drinking Diet Coke, and trying really hard to converse with people.

Reach her at ajcarmic@iu.edu

Photo of Mary Hartman

Mary Hartman (she/they)


Mary Hartman is a junior at IU and currently serving as the networking manager of Working Title (Meaning they get to beg for money professionally!). In her free time they write and perform stand up as a part of Ladies’ Night Comedy on campus and in their not-so-free time she makes lattes. Mary loves to crochet and watch movies just to make Letterboxd reviews. They are excited to see where this project goes!

Reach them at mary.hartman1010@gmail.com

Like our website?

This website was built in two weeks by journalist and web designer Cate Charron, and is maintained by our web editor Abby Carmichael.